Pia Orleane, Ph.D.
The Receiver

DR. PIA ORLEANE is a multifaceted resource for evolutionary growth.
A Receiver of Wisdom from the Light, Pia is a gifted channel who brings forth the insight and guidance of multiple energetic light beings. When her energy is joined with her husband and co-author, Cullen Baird Smith, they bring forth together the voice of Laarkmaa, sharing Pleiadian Wisdom From the Stars. Individual sessions with Pia can be tailored to fit your individual needs and desire to explore larger perspectives. Joint sessions with Cullen transmit inspiring and heartwarming messages of hope, love, and peace, providing Laarkmaa's wisdom for your situation or questions. Learn more about Laarkmaa by clicking this link: www.laarkmaa.com
The former practicing psychologist has communicated with beings in other realms since childhood, including angels, interstellar beings, devic guides, fairies, and little people. She is a multiple gold award-winning author, the co-founder of the Pleiadian-Earth Energy Astrology System, an Alternative Health Consultant, a respected Intuitive, and one of the world’s leading experts on the Divine Feminine. Dr. Orleane shares her life and worldview with Cullen Baird Smith. Together they work with individuals and groups all over the world to foster and enhance human evolution.
UK Esotoracle Magazine lists
The Original Pleiadian Wisdom Oracle Cards
as a "Must Have" Deck!
2023 Coalition for Visonary GOLD Awards in 2 categories: Wisdom Cards & Inspirational Cards

Discover how to navigate the spiral energy patterns of the Universe for spiritual advancement and conscious evolution
• Explains how the cycles of the 13 spirals of Universal energy and the 20 spirals of Earth energy interact on each calendar day as well as provides a Pleiadian perspective on how they influence us and the events in our lives
• Offers practical examples of how you can consciously use the energies prevalent on a given day to your personal, spiritual benefit
• Shares cosmic wisdom teachings from the Pleiadian group known as Laarkmaa
Modern science has finally confirmed an essential component of the Pleiadian teachings: Our Universe is not linear; it moves in spirals. Human evolution also unfolds in spirals, rather than the linear progression we call “progress.” Sharing the cosmic wisdom teachings they have received from the Pleiadian group known as Laarkmaa, authors Pia Orleane and Cullen Baird Smith reveal a new system of Pleiadian-Earth energy astrology centered on the spiraling and interconnected movement of Universal and Earth energies, rather than on time, and explain how this new wave of Pleiadian wisdom can support human evolution.
Pleiadian-Earth Energy Astrology
Deep Books UK & Europe
Simon & Schuster UK only.
“An insightful, often profound spiritual journey into energy, astrology, consciousness, and the unlocking of our potential.”
– Frank Clifford, lecturer at the London School of Astrology
Coalition for Visionary Awards

2023 COVR Awards Gold & Silver Winner

The 2024 Pleiadian-Earth Energy Calendar is the perfect companion to the Pleiedian-Earth Energy Astrology Book and contains the instructions for activating greater consciousness, through orienting to energy rather than time.
This year’s calendar includes many pages of explanatory information, beautiful pictures, Laarkmaa quotes, and wonderful Pleiadian wisdom!
This year's Calendar is available in
digital format only!
Sacred Retreat
Sacred Retreat: Using Natural Cycles to Recharge Your Life offers a blueprint for understanding the importance of the natural cycles that control and ultimately influence all of human life. The feminine aspects of life have been denigrated and abused by the patriarchy for far too long. Such an imbalanced approach to life has removed us from our natural abilities to deeply listen to and trust our own rhythms. Without honoring our human biological cycles, we are doomed to failure as a society, by continuing to make disconnected linear choices in a technologically driven patriarchal system.
The book fully discusses the necessity of recognizing and honoring natural cycles for balance and healing. Cultural myths have led us away from respect and symmetry between genders through a societal disrespect for feminine values. Such dismissal of the divine feminine has fostered patriarchal societies that have fractured our world, infusing it with greed, competition, stress, and war
2018 Nautilus Gold
Book Award winner
“We simply cannot secede from nature, and to believe otherwise is madness. Orleane shows how we can remain in nature’s flow and reap the benefits that are a part of this inescapable oneness.”
– Larry Dossey, M.D., New York Times bestselling author of One Mind